A Tron Light Cycle. Tron: Legacy

Tron: Legacy

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Tron: Legacy - Sam Flynn investigates an impossible message which has been sent by his father, Kevin Flynn, after he went missing 20 years before. Being transported into ‘The Grid’, Sam soon learns of his father’s fate and vows to bring…
Jack Harper approaches a downed drone


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Oblivion - The Earth has been destroyed by war with aliens and the remaining patches of humanity are collecting resources before leaving to colonise Titan. The survivors have had their memories wiped to defend against enemy capture, but Jack…
The Galaxy Quest crew on board the NSEA Protector

Galaxy Quest

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Galaxy Quest - The stars of an old but popular science fiction show, Galaxy Quest, find themselves transported across space to help aliens who think episodes of the show are historical, and real, documents. What starts as a fun adventure descends…
Melanie and Wanderer ponder their enemy

The Host

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The Host - Humans are all but extinct; the Earth has been occupied by an alien race. ‘Souls’ possess a human host and take over their consciousness. When Melanie is captured and becomes host to a Soul (called ‘Wanderer’) her spirit fights…
Arthur, Ford and Zaphod attempt to win over the Vogons. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - When Earth is destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass, Arthur Dent finds out that his friend, Ford Prefect, is an alien from a planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse. After hitching a ride…